
What effective product to remove dirt under the nails

Those who garden or cook often have this problem: no matter how hard they wash their hands and brush their fingers vigorously, the underside of their fingernails remains dirty . This space under the nails , called the subungual region , which resists washing, …

Those who garden or cook often have this problem: no matter how hard they wash their hands and brush their fingers vigorously, the underside of their fingernails remains dirty . This space under the nails , called the subungual region , which resists washing and remains dark , is also an important site for the development of bacteria. Cleaning under the nails is therefore not to be neglected. Don’t be afraid to show your hands anymore, discover 14 tricks to remove dirt under the nails .

What effective product to remove dirt under the nails

How to Clean Dirt Under Fingernails 1 – Wooden stick Soak your hands in a bowl of warm soapy water for about ten minutes, then scrape the underside of your nails with a stick or any stainless steel manicure tool. ATTENTION Do not insist too much with the stick or other tools, you risk injuring yourself, and, until the skin heals, you should wait to use other more suitable methods. 2 – Baking soda Bicarbonate whitens and unclogs grease. In a bowl, mix baking soda and water to obtain a slightly liquid paste. Bathe your nails in it. Leave to act for 1/4 hour. Scrub with a toothbrush or nail brush. Rinse and dry. Apply moisturizer.

3 – Citron Cut a lemon in 4, then rub the underside of the nails with a lemon wedge. Let the lemon act for a few minutes, pass a stick without insisting too much, then rinse your fingers. Apply a good moisturizer.

4 – Toothpaste Toothpaste, because it contains several whitening agents, can help you clean and whiten the darkened area under your fingernails. Apply a layer of toothpaste under the nail, then scrub gently with a nail brush. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse Dry

5- Toothpaste, baking soda and salt If the toothpaste has not sufficiently cleaned the underside of the nail, add a pinch of baking soda and another of fine salt. Rub the underside of the nail with a soft brush soaked in this slightly abrasive mixture. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Massage your nails with a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

6- Solvent Remove the dark residue that clings under the nails with a stick surrounded by cotton and soaked in nail polish remover. Change the cotton as soon as it gets dirty. Wash your fingers with soap then apply a cream.

7 – Hydrogen peroxide Pass a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide on the nail. Let dry without exposing the nails to the sun. Scrub the underside of the nail with a barely dampened brush. Apply an organic, alcohol-free nourishing cream.

8- Lemon juice and fine salt Rub the underside of the nails with a brush impregnated with a solution made up of the juice of half a lemon with a pinch of salt. Leave for a few minutes. Rinse, dry and massage the nails with a moisturizer.

9 – Lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide Pass under the nails a stick surrounded by cotton and soaked in lemon juice mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Wash your hands afterwards.

10 – Dental appliance cleaner In a bowl of lukewarm water, pour an effervescent dental appliance cleaning tablet. Dip your nails in the bowl for a few minutes. Brush your nails in the water. Rinse them then moisturize them with a nourishing cream.

11- Salt and olive oil In a bowl, mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil with a tablespoon of fine salt. Soak the nails in the bowl for a few minutes. Then scrub the nails with a brush. Wash hands with soap. Then apply a moisturizer.

12 – Sugar and makeup remover Add powdered sugar to your makeup remover. Rub the preparation under the nails. Gently pass a brush. Wash your hands, paying particular attention to the fingernails. Dry them. Apply moisturizer. 2 other more radical and sometimes dangerous methods to clean the underside of the nail

13- Acetone Soak cotton balls in acetone. Apply them under the nails. Let it act for a few minutes. Brush the nails then wash them. Coat them with rich natural moisturizer without alcohol because acetone dries out the nail strongly. This trick can attack the nails and the skin, use it only exceptionally! 14 – Bleach Bleach does not do your nails any good, but if your nails are resistant to all natural solutions… Pass under the nails a stick surrounded by cotton and soaked in solvent. Change the cotton as soon as it gets dirty. Wash your hands with soap by scrubbing the nails with a brush. Dry them, then coat hands and nails with a thick moisturizing cream.

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