
New Trend in Manicure: What is Prosthetic Nail? Prosthetic Nail Types and Applications

One of the most important care of women who like to look beautiful and well-groomed is undoubtedly nail care. Women who spend time for their nails to be beautiful and well-groomed sometimes cannot find this time and are unhappy.

Prosthetic nails are an application that has increased in popularity especially in recent years with the development of the care industry, where women who cannot spare time for nail care in the busyness of daily life can have permanent, strong and well-groomed nails. It is a long-lasting nail application after applying special protectors on one’s own nails, giving a healthier and more aesthetic appearance to one’s nails.

New Trend in Manicure: What is Prosthetic Nail? Prosthetic Nail Types and Applications

The prosthetic nail application, which gives the nails a healthy, aesthetic and smooth appearance, is an application that provides an easier and more practical solution than the troublesome products such as fake nails sold in cosmetic stores. For this reason, it should not be confused with artificial nail applications.

Prosthetic nails can be used for 2-3 months as long as they are taken care of, but fake nails are for daily use. Prosthetic nails look much more natural and long-lasting than false nails.

What is Prosthetic Nail?

The prosthetic nail, which gives nails a strong and aesthetic appearance, is one of the most popular beauty applications of recent years. There are 3 different types of prosthetic nails: acrylic, dipping and gel. Regardless of the type, prosthetic nail application is much easier than artificial nails. It also looks natural as if it were your own nail.

There are different types of prosthesis applications, which are durable manicure solutions that do not break easily and are mostly preferred by well-groomed women who cannot spare the time they want for hand care.

Prosthetic Nail Types

  • Acrylic Nail

The first of the prosthetic nail applications is acrylic nails. This artificial nail application, which is applied using a special powder and a special liquid, is different from another type of gel nail application. This technique is an ideal prosthetic nail application for people who are mostly applied to brittle and weak nails and have broken nails. Although the rate of natural appearance is less than gel nail applications, it is quite durable and can be made to the length you want. Acrylic nail, which is made with a mixture of liquid and powder, is applied by filling the empty parts of the nail, covers the entire nail and hardens as it comes into contact with air after the application. Thus, a holistic view is obtained. A sharp odor may occur during the procedure, but experts say that it is not long-lasting and does not damage the nails of the person. Acrylic false nails are more durable than other types, they do not break easily, and nail polishes are more durable.

This method is a more permanent and more natural standing method made by applying a special gel to the nail. Gel prosthetic nail technique is applied to people with a stronger nail structure. In addition to its natural appearance, it provides a clean, flawless and aesthetic appearance. In the gel prosthetic nail method, the special gel material applied to the nail is not a quick-drying substance on its own, so it is dried with special beam methods. This gel, which is dried with special rays, is applied on the nail, equalized with the empty and thin parts of the nail and given shape. Gel nails, which can be used for up to 4 weeks, are thinner than acrylic nails, but are more preferred than acrylic. It is frequently preferred and used for hand and toe nails with its permanent nail polish feature.

  • Dipping Nail

This method is similar to acrylic application. However, the aspect that distinguishes it from acrylic is that it is odorless and matte. As a result of dipping applications, the nail appearance becomes matte.

How is Prosthetic Nail Applied?

Well, if you are wondering which one of these techniques should I choose, don’t worry! You can be sure that professional beauticians will apply the most suitable false nail technique for you. Whichever method is chosen for you, the steps of this application are extremely simple:

  • The prosthetic nail process is started by applying special protective solutions on the nail itself. This application both protects its own nail and ensures the adhesion of the prosthetic nail.
  • In the next stage, the prosthetic nail is placed on the tip of the real nail and it is brought into the shape you want with a file. * In the third stage, the area outside the tip of the nail is covered with acrylic or gel.
  • Finally, the nail as a whole is smoothed and polished.

Removal of prosthetic nails is also a very simple process. The prosthetic nail applied with special products is removed using special solutions. Trying to remove the prosthetic nail with the wrong method and product will damage the real nail. For this reason, you should leave the prosthetic nail removal process to the experts.

Who Should Use Prosthetic Nail?

If you have a habit of biting your nails, if your nails are of a sensitive nature that constantly breaks, if you do not have a smooth and shaped nail and you want a more stylish nail appearance, you can choose to apply false nails. The main purpose of prosthetic nail application is to achieve a natural appearance without damaging the nail. After the procedure, your nails will have a very healthy and aesthetic appearance.

Prosthetic nails can be made by people who do not have any nail problems or discomfort due to its long-term use and aesthetic appearance. However, it should not be done by those who have fungus on their nails and hands.

Prosthetic nails are made by applying a special solution to the person’s own nails and do not damage the nails. However, people with weak nails should consult experts before having them.

Prosthetic Nail Care, Duration of Use and Removal

Prosthetic nails are very popular both in terms of aesthetic appearance and long-term use. However, as in manicure applications, it should be done by experts using experienced and quality products. Each method has different application methods and products, but for all of them, it is very important to pay attention to the hygiene rules after application. Prosthetic nails can be used with the desired color and type of nail polish. However, acetone-free nail polish removers should be preferred to remove nail polish. Chemical-containing nail polish removers can damage the nail structure.

Since deterioration may occur in contact with cleaning materials containing chemicals, especially cleaning materials should be used with the help of gloves. Prosthetic nails can be used for a long time (3-4 weeks) if they are used by paying attention to their contact with chemicals and hygiene rules and if they are regularly maintained.

Prosthetic nails can be removed at any time. However, these nails, which are made by experts, should be removed by experts. Removal using the wrong methods and products can cause damage to real nails. Because these applications made using special products are removed with the help of special solutions. Prosthetic nails, which can be renewed at desired intervals, need care as the real nail grows. In these cases, the gaps formed at the base of the nail can be filled and covered with products suitable for the type of application.

Prosthetic Nail Prices

Prosthetic nail applications should be done by experts in this field. There are many different price applications in the market, but since it must be done using quality and hygienic products,

Prosthetic Nail Making at Home

Prosthetic nails are an extremely effortless and practical procedure for those who constantly need a manicure. Longer-lasting nail applications that give a healthier and more aesthetic appearance to one’s nails. If you care about your nails looking well-groomed, but you can’t find enough time for yourself, this application is for you! But did you know that you can have this beauty treatment done in the comfort of your home? In this content, you can find answers to the questions you wonder about prosthetic nails at home.

Making false nails at home offers you many advantages. Thanks to this service, you not only save time, but also eliminate your concerns about hygiene.

Buddha Nail Studio is extremely sensitive about hygiene rules for your health. All materials are unlocked for the first time next to you. You too can enjoy your perfect nails and care routine without worrying about hygiene. You can make your appointment by clicking here , wherever you feel comfortable, whatever day and time you are available.

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